
Welcome to Melissa and Mark's Home page

While Melissa and I have had our wedding page for a while, we wanted to open up a more general purpose page for ourselves.  With the wedding over, and our lives together beginning.  We've started working on this page.  Updates to the web site will be listed here.  Feel free to investigate all the options to the left!

Mark & Melissa




July 4th, 2011 - A few updates to the gallery and trips since I last updated this list.

September 20th, 2009 - Apple picking at Noshoba Valley.

August 15th, 2009 - A morning's trip to Spectacle Island in Boston Harbor is in the Galleries section.

July 18th, 2009 - Has it really been two years since I last updated this page? Apparently. I think I'm setting a record here and I have a page for a trip up within one week of returning. Go to Trips->Bermuda 2009 to see our most recent trip, and our first week away with Abigail.

February 3rd, 2007 - Guess what??  The web page for the (2006!) Europe trip is done!  It only took me just shy of two years.

December 15th, 2007 - It's been almost two years since the last major update here.  I've just completed decsriptions of the Belgium and France portions of our Europe trip (2006).  I still haven't gotten around to completing New Orleans and Sydney.  Not to mention we've also taken a week's vacation to Charleston, SC in the mean time.  The good news is that with Abigail here, we probably won't have too many trips for a while and I can catch up!

December 14th, 2005 - Finally got the New Orleans pictures up! I'm no longer two trips behind, more like two half trips. They even have descriptions to go with them. However, no other pages of description, information or humor exist.  Go to "Trips->New Orleans" to get there.

November 26th, 2005 - It's official.  I'm two trips behind now.  We just got back from two weeks in Sydney Australia.  While we have the pictures up, there's not much description of the trip.  Go to "Trips->Sydney" to get there.  And I still have New Orleans to do...

October 22nd, 2005 - Double Yikes! This time it was about seven months before I got this update ready to go!  Easter day this past spring Melissa and I travelled to Aruba for a week.  If you go to "Trips->Aruba" on the navigation bar to the left you can read a bit about our trip and see some of the photos.  Now I'm only one trip behind.  Soon to be two.

January  20th, 2005 - Yikes! Not only have I not updated anything here since May, but this update is for something that happened almost four months ago!  At the end of September, Melissa and I travelled to Scotland and England.  Go to "Trips->UK" on the navigation bar to the left to read about our trip and, of course, see pictures.

May 16th, 2004 - We spent a long weekend in San Diego. As usual we've got lots of pictures. Go to the Trips page and then on to San Diego. I even actually described the trip and pictures this time!

March 14th, 2004 - Our nephew Zachary was born on the 3rd!  Today we got to meet him in person.  And of course, we've got pictures! Click Here to see him!

February 22nd, 2004 - Updated the House page.

February 17th, 2004 - Added Ireland to the Trips page (There are no descriptions with the photos - who has the time??)

November 1st, 2003 - Added the "House" page.  Go there to find out about the house we're in the process of buying!