
Our trip to Bermuda with Grammy and Grandpa

 Here is some information and pictures from our July 2009 trip to Bermuda.  

 This was our first full week away with Abigail and also Abigail's first time flying. We started things off with Abigail waking up at 12:30am the morning we were flying out and not going back to sleep until 4:30am before getting up at 6:30am. We took that as a bad sign. But it was a fluke. All in all, Abigail did remarkably well with the whole trip.  

 We spent the week at my parents timeshare in St. George (along with my parents, aka Grammy and Grandpa). It was also the first time Abigail had slept in the same room as us since she first came home from the hospital. That, too, turned out to be not such a big problem except for when we needed to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night. You could almost here the Mission Impossible music playing in your head as you tried to squeeze past the pack and play into the bathroom without waking her up! If she ever did, she didn't let on.  

 We hit all the usual suspect places in Bermuda: St. George, the beach, the Aquarium/Zoo, the Swizzle Inn, Hamilton and Dockyard. It was an entirely different experience with Abigail though. Not quite as relaxing as normal, but fun none-the-less.  

 Rather than bore you with details of everything we did, just go ahead and follow the links on the left to some pictures and commentary on where we went and what we did.